A Red That is So Green | Teen Ink

A Red That is So Green

October 25, 2011
By Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
People see what they want to see and disraguard the rest.
~Paul Simon

My colorblindness is getting worse, it seems
For I am seeing a red that is so green.
Gotta love the Valentines that are red
But I love the Singles Awareness instead.

My heart belongs to him, and him alone.
His belongs to another cast of the same stone.
Knowing we'll never be together, ever...
Well, love was never accused of being clever.

I try to say farewell to that notion
But I always fall back under that love potion.
His crystal eyes of blue as clear as day...
I love him anyways, even though he's gay.

There's no way I can help it, why even try?
I will love him until the day we die!
So I smile and pretend that he hasn't seen
The red in my eyes that is so green.

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