Yesterday | Teen Ink


August 13, 2009
By kari-kiwi GOLD, Snohomish, Washington
kari-kiwi GOLD, Snohomish, Washington
10 articles 20 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stop judging by mere appearences and make a right judgement"
John 7:24

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This art has 11 comments.

on Dec. 27 2011 at 1:31 pm
HaagenDazzle BRONZE, Fargo, North Dakota
1 article 36 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own, we have no soul of our own civilization." Frank Lloyd Wright

This is really beautiful! The face shadings are perfect. Check out my pencil sketches, it'll take some time for them to be approved and displayed though.

kari-kiwi GOLD said...
on Jul. 23 2011 at 10:16 pm
kari-kiwi GOLD, Snohomish, Washington
10 articles 20 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stop judging by mere appearences and make a right judgement"
John 7:24

Well...I start by finding a photo that I'd to draw, preferably in black and white because it's easier to see shading. I really try to focus on the different shapes of whatever I'm drawing, especially when drawing a face. With this particular drawing I focused on things like the way her head was tilted and how that would affect the placement of her features and the angles that created. I hope my small amount of knowledge helps; I’m fairly amateur myself and drew this face under the guidance of a professional art instructor. Good luck on your charcoal drawings!

leafy said...
on Jul. 20 2011 at 7:31 pm
leafy, City, Other
0 articles 0 photos 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion. 
Ernest Hemingway: I hate it. 
Gil: You haven't even read it yet. 
Ernest Hemingway: If it's bad, I'll hate it. If it's good, then I'll be envious and hate it even more. You don't want the opinion of another writer. 

wow...this is amazing. how did you do that? like, im serious. im just starting to try charcoals out cause someone gave a set to me, and i've been looking for tips

on Jul. 6 2010 at 2:07 pm
Uniqueada PLATINUM, Durham, North Carolina
25 articles 48 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yes we can"- President Obama

verry nice, you made it look so real

on Apr. 22 2010 at 6:22 am
Jenna4Jesus BRONZE, New Brunswick, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 65 comments
Whoa...that's beautiful...

katnip SILVER said...
on Feb. 3 2010 at 10:35 pm
katnip SILVER, Eureka, California
6 articles 3 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button.

oh my gosh im totaly speahless

on Jan. 8 2010 at 4:40 pm
StandardToaster PLATINUM, Pasadena, California
20 articles 0 photos 209 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy ever minute of it."

this is purely amazing! I love it!

on Dec. 8 2009 at 11:12 am
lovelaughlive BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'll call, I hate the fall. You heard? Every word. You don't want baggage without lifetime guarantees. You don't want to watch me die. I just came to say goodbye love. - RENT

This is so beautiful!

Dazed PLATINUM said...
on Nov. 21 2009 at 5:21 pm
Dazed PLATINUM, Teaneck, New Jersey
20 articles 7 photos 107 comments
Wow how do you make her skin glow like that??

TigerLynn GOLD said...
on Oct. 16 2009 at 4:43 pm
TigerLynn GOLD, Maysville, Kentucky
10 articles 0 photos 110 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She walks in beauty,
Like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes."

This is very realistic looking

Jaquie BRONZE said...
on Sep. 7 2009 at 6:31 pm
Jaquie BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 407 comments

Favorite Quote:
This is certainly one of my favorites: "I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes." -2 Samuel 6:22

Oh my gosh, I love this. You can see the pain just leaping of the page. You're attention to detail and lighting is really something! You add something to your work, such a lifelike quality, that I rarely see. I really enjoy your work. I'd love to see more of your work!

God bless,
