Canis Rufus | Teen Ink

Canis Rufus

July 15, 2012
By MaryTD PLATINUM, Burns, Oregon
MaryTD PLATINUM, Burns, Oregon
42 articles 68 photos 105 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To be great you must first be good."

"I'm not going to stay dead the rest of my life!" - Theo in The Kestrel

While I'd never want to meet a wolf in real life, the red wolf (canis rufus) caught my eye. It is a smaller species of wolf that looks a little different from its gray cousins and are a lot less well-known. Using stippling and hatching I illustrated the face and neck of a red wolf. The reintroduction of wolves into the northwest is a huge issue right now, so it seemed a fitting subject.

Tags: Animals

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This art has 1 comment.

on Jul. 27 2012 at 3:34 pm
Kayotic PLATINUM, Goodyear, Arizona
37 articles 9 photos 84 comments

Favorite Quote:
You aren't having fun unless you're commiting sin~ Priest

This is a really good drawing! I really like it!