Amethyst Odette | Teen Ink

Amethyst Odette MAG

August 8, 2010
By iridescentadolescent BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
iridescentadolescent BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
1 article 1 photo 5 comments

I have always admired ballerinas for the grace and fluidity of their movements. This is my attempt to capture some of that.

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This art has 9 comments.

on Jan. 19 2012 at 10:09 am
beautifulspirit PLATINUM, Alpharetta, Georgia
35 articles 0 photos 1398 comments

Favorite Quote:
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
--Eleanor Roosevelt

Well you have accomplished capturing the grace and fluidity of the ballerina. This image makes me wish I was a ballerina~ Beautiful job.

on Jan. 7 2012 at 1:48 am
callie15 BRONZE, North Plains, Oregon
3 articles 21 photos 424 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?"
-Chuang Tzu

"No man with a good car needs to be justified!"
-Wise Blood

Now this is art!

on Mar. 24 2011 at 1:05 pm
loves2write SILVER, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you want to see the best in others, bring out the best in you" - fotune cookie

great job :):):):):):)

AshTree SILVER said...
on Nov. 16 2010 at 6:46 pm
AshTree SILVER, Clarksville, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 196 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live your art" -made this one up myself. Simple, but true.

I am in awe! You're amazing. You did a great job in showing the gracefulness of a ballerina

meganleigh said...
on Oct. 26 2010 at 6:18 pm
meganleigh, Everson, Washington
0 articles 2 photos 22 comments
Beautiful. There aren't other words!

on Aug. 26 2010 at 11:30 pm
RavenBird SILVER, Battle Ground, Washington
7 articles 3 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same" ~The Fray "All at once"
"I am who I am and who i wanna be" ~Avril Lavigne

Amazing! I lovelovelove it. It's simply beautiful, you have great talent.

amaranth178 said...
on Aug. 24 2010 at 6:52 pm
amaranth178, Washington, District Of Columbia
0 articles 0 photos 118 comments
I agree completely. Fantastic.

on Aug. 21 2010 at 7:23 am
Camilleishungry, Geelong, Other
0 articles 22 photos 101 comments
oh wow that is so beautiful! wonderful choice of colours, it capture the fluidity and grace of the ballerina perfectly! really lovely, keep it up :)

on Aug. 17 2010 at 11:50 pm
this is beautiful. you captured the ballerina perfectly, like you said, with all their grace embodied into this. wonderful