The internet should not be limited to students | Teen Ink

The internet should not be limited to students

November 19, 2021
By Anonymous

It is well known that the Internet is the basic need of modern human beings. There are a lot of websites and blogs available on search engines that provide people the best quality content related to your interest. Additionally, the Internet can be used as a tool to learn the latest news for students (Dogruer, N., Eyyam, R., & Menevis, I.,2011). The Internet should not be limited to students, because it allows students to make progress.

Students Can More Easily Obtain Information by Using the Internet

It is very difficult for students to study the traditional books for searching the specific information. The Internet is full of knowledge and pieces of information. The use of search engines effectively helps students more easily to obtain information.

Students can't buy all the books in a short time. They need to go to the library to find information and invariably waste a lot of time looking for relevant literature. It is more efficient and convenient for students to use the internet library to get information, which allows them to spend more time thinking rather than searching. Students also sometimes track book reviews on the Internet, which can be regarded as an effective way to cultivate reading habits (Verma, J., & Malviya, V., 2010).

Using The Internet Provides a Flexible Learning Environment

The Internet also makes remote education possible. Remote education means communication, and educational resources and learning are free from the constraints of time and place, able to provide education services for the educated at any time, anywhere. Hence, the Internet adds more flexibility to learning.

Across the globe, students have been away from schools and their teachers, but learning has continued by online courses. For example, Teachers will use the zoom platform to teach students remotely during the epidemic (Chamberlain Liz et al., 2020). While COVID-19 isolates students at home, online classes allow students to take school lessons from home.

 In addition, because of the flexibility of distance learning, recipients can learn in their way, thus increasing the efficiency of learning from passive to active learning (Guohong, G et al., 2012).

Using The Internet Can Help Students Plan Their Careers

Selecting the right professional career at the right time is very difficult for the students because at the level of students they didn't understand that what is their interests and goals they want to be in the future. Through the internet, it becomes less difficult for students to select the right career path.

For example, the U.S. Department of Labor’s CareerOneStop site offers a variety of free online tools, information, and resources that aim to inspire employment paths (Golding, J., Lippert, A., & Malik, S., 2018). Eventually, students found a career that suits themselves and students also like.


All in all, the Internet is a powerful tool for students. It can make students’ progress such as searching information, flexible environment of learning, and plan their career. On the other hand, although some students who may be addicted to gaming on the Internet rather than studying. The overall trade-off is that the advantages of the Internet outweigh the disadvantages, so the Internet should not be limited  to students.


Chamberlain, L., Lacina, J., Bintz, W., Jimerson, J., Payne, K., & Zingale, R. (2020). Literacy in Lockdown: Learning and Teaching During COVID‐19 School Closures. The Reading Teacher, 74(3), 243-253. doi:10.1002/trtr.1961

Dogruer, N., Eyyam, R., & Menevis, I. (2011). The use of the internet for educational purposes. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28, 606-611. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.115

Guohong, G., Ning, L., Wenxiao, X., & Wenlong, W. (2012). The Study on the Development of Internet-based Distance Education and Problems. Energy Procedia, 17, 1362-1368. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.02.253

Golding, J., Lippert, A., & Malik, S. (2018). Using the Internet to Facilitate Career Choices in Psychology-Related Fields. Teaching of Psychology, 34(1), 60-66. doi:10.1177/0098628317745450

Verma, J., & Malviya, V. (2010). He Impact of Internet and Digital Media on Reading Habit. N.p.: XXIV National Seminar of the IASLIC.

The author's comments:

I think it's an important topic for many coutnries around the world.

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