Time Capsule | Teen Ink

Time Capsule

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

If  I were told I was allowed to put only 5 items of my choosing to represent my life in a time capsule provided by the government I would have a hard time deciding what to put in it. I would spend many hours deciding what would represent me in only five items. There would be times when I would have my items but then change them due to uncertainty. I would never be sure what would represent me. Until I was. There it was. The five items. 

The first item. My basement pull-up bar. I’ve spent an abundant amount of time in my basement more recently than before. This is due to my increase in interest in lifting and exercise. It’s great for you and I find it entertaining. That pull bar has taught me many lessons. The most important one being is that even when gravity is pulling you down you resist and pull yourself up to the top. This is what most of my life has been. Constant battles of hardships but, always getting back up and pulling yourself together and rising to the top.

The second item. My Football cleats. These cleats are more symbolic of my childhood. I’ve played football for the longest compared to any other sport. It represents my hard work dedicated to a sport or passion that I have. It shows the strength of character I have to constantly show up and work for something that I care about. I knew that these had to go in the capsule.

The third item. My black men’s medium Abercrombie sweatshirt. I chose to put this in the capsule because I have owned it since my freshman year of high school. Its color has faded and has gotten slightly brighter due to wear and tear. I’ve worn that sweatshirt to school events, banquets, parties, family gatherings, and at home for comfort. The sweatshirt practically was a part of me throughout high school. I feel that this sweatshirt knows me better than some people and has seen me through highs and lows. Wow. Now that I think about it, this sweatshirt has seen more of me than most people ever will. 

Fourth item. The chemistry book that I forgot to turn in sophomore year. Sophomore year was the peak of my high school athletic career so far. I was able to stay on top of things and perform at a varsity level for football and track. I was also maintaining good grades throughout the school year as well. I was in my mind, Albert Einstein and Brian Dawkins. Everything was going great. That was until track sectionals. Towards the end of my 200-meter leg when I was handing off the baton for the 4x2 my hamstring tore as I handed off to Kyle Janke. That chemistry book not being returned represented my loss of focus after getting injured in school. It was like I lost a piece of myself that day. My drive. My passion. The book was never returned.

The last item. My new track spikes for junior track season. I was never able to compete in my junior season. I did countless hours of rehab and injury prevention but it was never enough. I was injury-prone. There was nothing I could do. It’s like life was attacking me with malevolent intent. Whenever I would try to come back another tweak would happen. Pop. That's a sound I knew too well whether it was my pectoral tendon or my hamstring snapping once again. I stared out those spikes on end wondering if it was my time to hang it up just like my spikes hanging from the coat rack. The thought passed my mind of giving up. However, it just wasn’t who I was as a person.  I had to use my discretion to adjudicate. That’s why I chose to bury those spikes. To have a fresh start, to be better, to keep going.

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