Why I Want to Attend Ohio State | Teen Ink

Why I Want to Attend Ohio State

October 11, 2010
By Anonymous

On my official visit to OSU, a gentleman who currently attends the university said something that really stuck with me during the course of the visit. He said, “ Choosing OSU was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. All of the schools you just mentioned were on my list as well, and the best advice I can give to you is go with the school that feels right, the one that feels like you fit in and the one that makes you comfortable.”

I have always been focused on achieving excellence in my academic career. Additional activities such as athletics and community service helped me learn leadership and how to take initiative. Throughout my visit I was able to see how I would be able to fit in with the other students, while continuing all of my achievements. While attending The Ohio State University, I will be able to attain my bachelors degree in Physical Education(k-12) and also my Master degree in Mathematics(7-12). During which I will have the opportunity to play club sports such as women’s ice hockey as well.

In conjunction with impeccably fitting in at OSU, I am very interested in the school because of its location. Being only an hour or so from home, I will be able to stay actively involved in Keaton, my seven year old brothers life. Keaton is tremendously important to my life, and I want to be there for him when he needs me. Also, I do not want to miss out on his childhood because I am too far away from him. I will be able to attend important gatherings to watch him grow, excel, and perform throughout my years at OSU. Just another reason why I am so interested in attending The Ohio State University.

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