What creates you | Teen Ink

What creates you

May 19, 2013
By mebriscoe BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
mebriscoe BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.”
― Rumi

One’s education along with the extracurricular activities one participates in is the mold in which they pour their abilities into. However, to state that the application of these practices is the path to overall achievement is ludicrous. One’s goals are achieved by the participant’s desire and ambition. I have explored various supplementary activities such as volleyball, leisurely reading, painting, and other arts. While I will admit that these activities have influenced me I believe that any lifetime goal I have can be achieved is in concordance to my ambition.
Thoreau’s thought that “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals” correlates with my ideals on the importance of goals themselves, I believe that many are born talented, but also that one may lack the charisma needed in order to promote oneself. My parents have always instilled in me something they like to refer to as people skills. No matter how talented you are one must believe in their worth and be able to believe in others If they wish to further their success. Through photography, painting, volleyball, tennis, and reading I have a well-rounded framework, which will act as a basis of experience on my way to achieving my goals.
By my parents pushing me in volleyball to leave my protected local arena in order to receive higher quality training I learned two important things. The first is that in order to improve oneself one must be willing to go through a change that more often than not is awkward and painful. We as humans are imperfect creatures and by setting goals we build a desire greater than a habit to overcome our imperfections. Your abilities, I also learned that if you are confident in your success other people will believe in it and be drawn towards you. Any dream is made possible by one’s belief in your future achievements. My parents believed that I was an aggressive sports minded competitor, but once I expressed myself through art, and received state honors while doing so, I realized that one is not defined to one particular talent just as one is not defined to one dream.
While my experiences in extracurricular activities may have given me many skills I realize that life is a discovery of talent and a constant improvement of oneself. To limit yourself to a few lifetime goals is not truly living. I believe that my activities and education have made me a person whom I am confident and proud of, but, also one that can change and grow

The author's comments:
this was written quickly and honestly. My thoughts sound less jumbled when spoken

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