Parental Guidance | Teen Ink

Parental Guidance

November 12, 2013
By Sindhu Rajan BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Sindhu Rajan BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I was applying to colleges about a year ago, I felt like a multigrain bread slice. I had many appealing aspects, many types of grains, about myself but how would I know if the college seeing how well I taste, or fit into their standards, would like me or not? This is a dilemma but I would not even have gotten here if I didn’t have the opportunity to make myself a multigrain bread slice. I had interests in and participated in many activities, thanks to my parents. As the bakers, they helped mold and bake me into the lady I am today. My success of getting into a college would not have come to be without the support and encouragement of my parents.

“Be versatile,” everyone told me as I went through childhood and high school. “Get involved so it will look good on your application for college,” my parents would engrave in my mind. As parents with good intentions, they put me into dance classes and tennis lessons at a very young age. At first I hated it and would complain after every class that I had no time to “play” or eat dinner at a proper time because I believed tennis lessons should not get into my dinnertime. As I became older, I realized that I loved playing tennis and learning dance routines. Most of all, I realized my parents were only trying to help me decide what I liked to do so I would not become a couch potato, watching television all the time. I believe that whatever stable parents do for their children, they do it with the best intentions of building the foundation of a smooth life path for their children.

From drinking milk everyday and eating vegetables to picking up after myself, my parents made me do it all. With all these different parts of a day-by-day lifestyle, parents strive to turn their children into the most diverse multigrain bread slices with different grains for each person. Whether or not the children want to be influenced by their parents, I feel there is no getting around it and even though they may not necessarily wish to comply with the suggestions of their parents, children should appreciate what their parents are trying to do for them. After all it is for the kids’ benefit.

Many times my mother will tell me to pick out my outfit for school the night before a school day but like most kids, I decided to procrastinate and do it in the morning. When I would wake up late and rush, it would be very hard to be dressed on time for school. Little suggestions like this are what will ultimately lead to how a child will lead their life by themselves when they grow up to be adults. My mother in this situation only wants the best habits to be instilled in the child from the beginning so that an orderly livelihood will be produced.

This type of helpful parenting is also seen in the outside world. Doctors with sick children will understand the importance of their occupation and will do everything to ensure proper treatment is given to provide the access to healthy habits as much as possible. One of my family friends is a pediatrician and whenever her sons become sick, she becomes concerned but serious to the point that she knows what she can do to help cure them. She always ends up saying later that she is grateful that everyday she is able to help sick kids get a little better, even if they are not her own children. She believes all her patients are like her own kids and treats them like a good parent should: with support and encouragement. This situation is true for all employed parents. No matter the job, the parents are focused on ensuring a good future for their children by removing obstacles that may be in their way.

Often on the news there are stories of parents who abuse their children or set bad examples for little kids. No parent will be able to be perfect all the time and yes, there are parents who simply do not care. That, however, does not define a parent. A parent is one who cares for their kin. Parents, just like children, will continue to make mistakes. It only depends on how these mishaps are handled in front of the children that constitute whether the adult is a parent or not.
There is also a question of whether some parents of celebrities have the best in mind for their children. In recent news, Billy Ray Cyrus has been called out to talk about his daughter’s decisions in her music appearances. For example, one of the most controversial issues people have had with her is about Miley Cyrus’s choice to swing on a wrecking ball wearing nothing but some boots. Some say this is an artistic choice and some say she should not be revealing her entire body virally in that way. Like a parent, Billy Ray Cyrus supported his child through all her actions especially when times get rough for her. Parenting may not always seem the best in a child’s eyes, but usually the children learn to appreciate what has been done for them later on in life as they mature.

Throughout my dance career, my mother and father have played a crucial part to my success. During a 3-hour solo performance I had, they were more than willing to ensure I had everything I needed to be well prepared for the event. They made sure that I practiced even on the days I would be against having to do any work. Believing that more practice is always a good thing and it would do no harm, they pushed me knowing I could do it. I was under a lot of stress but my parents supported me and trusted me that I could perform well with the necessary rest and practice. Even though they also had many responsibilities, from making sure everyone was in their place and decorations had been put up to memorizing their scripts, it was all for me. Parents genuinely want to assure the best for their children and in my case, they truly were the backbone of my success.

Children naturally want to ignore what their parents say whether it is because they think they should be able to make their own decisions or they follow what their friends do. Such a big influence on children comes from the parents, which acts as a cushion when the children grow up because they will have aspects of themselves that resemble their parents. Parents, more often than not, act for the sole good of their children and only want to prepare them for the future as adults. Whether it is for participation in extracurricular activities, eating habits, or general lifestyle tips, I believe parents always have the best intentions for their children.

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