Checkmate | Teen Ink


December 16, 2013
By Jhawn Newman SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Jhawn Newman SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I sat playing my uncle in a game of chess, I wondered what piece I am. Am I just another one of many disposable pawns? No. Perhaps I’m a king, ready to lead a nation, guiding it to become better. But do the ends justify the means? I couldn't live with myself if I did a tyrannical or corrupt action for the potential prosperity of my people. No, no maybe I’m a knight, an honorable and just hero who fights for integrity and the innocent. There is the bishop, who inspires hope for others. Lastly there is the rook, a strong resilient protector of the nobles. I could be both of those pieces as well. But which one of these best suits me?...


“I’m sorry, what?”

“Check …you’re in check.”

“Oh, right.”

He trapped me, but there has to be a way out—otherwise it would be checkmate. It took quick thinking to get out of this. Once I realized my plan it seemed simple, move the bishop in front of the king so the queen wouldn’t attack. After the immediate danger of losing dissipated, I drifted back into thought of the chess game of life. I don’t think one of these pieces describe me. If I’m not these pieces, what am I? A combination. Maybe that’s what describes me in this chess game of life.


My uncle sat, doubting he lost—looking for a possible way out. But as he congratulated me, I realized I share the traits of many pieces. I help those in need, I’m a good leader, but I also think of everyone’s feelings and needs– the ends don’t justify the means. But what does this make me in this game of life, if I’m not a piece. If not a piece, the tactician—the player is who I am. Yes, the player. I combine the traits of other pieces to play the game. I’m not a piece with a predetermined set of skills and traits. As the player I make my own life.

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