Charge Forward | Teen Ink

Charge Forward

December 16, 2013
By dcarr95 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
dcarr95 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You need to watch that left side,” I say to my team. “We can’t lose this point!” But I hear nothing from them. I repeat myself until acknowledgements are blaring through my headphones. They knew losing the left entrance to our forward base would make it impossible to win.

As the team captain, moving us forward through creating and executing plans is what I attempt. It may not be perfect, as no one is, but it gets the job done as well as possible. My team counts on me to pull my weight and will not be happy with anything less. This is the final match of our competitive season and we need to make it count.

My ears implode. Bullets are whizzing past my head while voices hiss around me. I fade out to hear the pitter-patter of the rain on my windows on the second floor of my house. The rain soothes my thoughts of the coming onslaught. I force myself to concentrate.

I see movement in my peripherals, and call it out to my teammates. That was the left side. My heart races. Adrenaline flows. I move swiftly, watching my head with every step.

I take a deep breath and relax, pushing my thoughts aside as I begin realizing that a strategy is required to win; not just our usual routine. Blueprints race through my mind covering every obstacle that still lies in our path. More things we get to overcome. I find a strategy that works and explain to my team. “I will decoy.” I say to my teammates. I will draw the enemies towards me, then provide my team with the support required when we break through their defences. We push through and accomplish our one and only task with the plan I engineered.
I congratulate my team on the win.

“Great job guys”

I ripped my headphones off my head and exhale in relief.

Gaming is, for me, relaxing, socially exciting, helpful and more. The life of an avid gamer can be hard work, and can contribute to real life skills. People think that gaming doesn't contribute to anything in life that can create a better person, but they are wrong. Teamwork, staying level headed in heated situations, and doing things for myself are things that contribute and become lifelong skills that stem from playing video games with people.

I acquired this team by playing with a gaming community that I have come to love. I devote my allotted time outside of my studies to this team because they are like family and we go to each other for advice. There are new members joining everyday and I enjoy talking to new people. I’m always looking for new things to do and, these skills will help me accomplish that, and contribute to clubs and classes around campus.

Having a good time is important to me and the people around me will help me into successful years of school and career -- I will be able to get through them with my family and friends online and off.

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