Actuarial Science | Teen Ink

Actuarial Science

December 16, 2013
By Nisha Ramanathan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nisha Ramanathan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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They say that one decision can change the course of a life; I never thought I would make such a decision as an eighth grader. In class one day, we were instructed to take a survey that would give us potential careers to consider. I answered the endless questions as truthfully as I could, skeptical that a website could really know what I wanted to be in life. After completing the survey, I scanned through the results, none particularly of interest to me. Suddenly, I came across a word that I’d never seen before: Actuary. Curious, I decided to click on the link; that decision was the best one I have ever made.

Since that day, my career goal has been clear. Throughout high school, my schedule has primarily consisted of math, accounting, and economics courses, in which I have excelled. Although I occasionally considered other careers, actuarial science won me over each time. AP Statistics sealed the deal last year when I learned that I enjoyed Statistics and had a natural inclination towards it. Receiving a 5 on the AP test further reinforced my decision. Additionally, I have been given the opportunity to job shadow at a reputed actuarial firm at the end of October. I will be meeting with several actuaries to get a feel for a day on the job.

Majoring in actuarial science has been my goal since I was fourteen. When I become an actuary, I know I will be thankful for that day in eighth grade— the day that changed the course of my life. And who knows? If it wasn’t for that survey, I might be writing my college essay today about why I want to pursue a career in Fine Arts.

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