Realistic fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Realistic Fiction

Top voted Realistic Fiction

#4761voted by our readers
By mcruz712 BRONZE
Langhorne, Pennsylvania

You wake up. Your rooms dark. Probably from the fact that your keeping your curtains shut; not from fear of sunlight but from the fact you were supposed to wake up for school 45 mi...
mcruz712 BRONZE, Langhorne, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

#4762 Fiction
By Ansley Hargreave BRONZE
Dawsonville, Georgia
Ansley Hargreave BRONZE, Dawsonville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#4763 Fiction
Palo Alto, California
Beila BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
3 articles 0 photos 516 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." -Mark Twain

#4764 Fiction
By Birdsinger SILVER
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Birdsinger SILVER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
7 articles 1 photo 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I cannot live without books.&rdquo; <br /> ~Thomas Jefferson

#4765 Fiction
By Anonymous
#4766 Fiction
kcornell13 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Aim for the moon. If you miss, you might just hit a star."

#4767 Fiction
By Likayla Stacy BRONZE
Humansville, Missouri
Likayla Stacy BRONZE, Humansville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#4768 Fiction
By DrippTyler BRONZE
Winchester, California
DrippTyler BRONZE, Winchester, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Keep your head on the ball. You’ve got to hit it first, then look where it goes. People get in trouble when they look for where the ball’s going, and they haven’t even hit it yet.” – Mike Trout

#4769 Fiction
By Anonymous
#4770 Fiction
By annie30 BRONZE
Merton, Wisconsin
annie30 BRONZE, Merton, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments