I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

January 7, 2019
By Anonymous

I believe success is earned not given.  If you teach kids and people this, it makes life easier. Because then they know that you have too work for goals and objects you want. Instead of thinking that everything is given.

Coming into Nagel football I started 6 straight years for the wildcats. I guess I thought that I would start automatically come 7th and 8th grade. I got to Nagel and 7th and 8th grade year, maybe had one or two drives a game that I played. Didn’t really know why I wasn’t playing let a lone starting. This gave me a tone of motivation for the upcoming season at Anderson.

Next thing I know it was like I was hit with a truck. Going into freshman year we started in January. I wasn’t even close to being prepared.

First day we went I thought we were going to do meet the team and play games sort of thing. But we went full on conditioning mode. We did more conditioning in that one day than we did total at Nagel.

Each day passed and went by getting worse and worse everyday. I kept pushing and working my hardest.

Season comes a couple months later. First game we play I start and do really good. We won by a blow out. I had a lot of self confidence in not only me but my team also. I could tell this season would be one I would never forget.

Season came to an end. Now it’s time to start worrying about next season. I have to work harder and harder everyday to start again next year. This season showed me how much you need too work to get to where you want to be in life and in sports.

Not playing those two years seemed like a big deal to me back then. But now when I look back and reflect on it, it doesn’t matter. It was middle school football. No one cares about that in the long run. When you play high school you could leave behind a legacy weather it be good or bad.

I will always believe that success is earned not given. I would never forget how hard I worked to be able to start and play the whole game. This all shows me why I should believe success is earned not given.

The author's comments:

This is one of the many things I beleive in and follow everyday.

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