Power, Responsibility, Independence, Freedom | Teen Ink

Power, Responsibility, Independence, Freedom

October 23, 2019
By username123 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
username123 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 In Afghanistan women are protested at the polls with violence. In Vatican City, Rome women are still not allowed to vote and not all men can vote. Kenyan women who are pregnant are forbidden to go out in public, meaning they also cannot vote.

In the United States of America everyone can vote, but many people choose not to. Why?  

My vote means power. By voting I am exercising my rights as a US citizen and I have a say in who runs the country I live in. Voting should not be seen as a job, but rather a civic duty. By voting I will be able to show who I want in office. I have the power to elect someone who supports my beliefs and will make changes I support.

My vote means responsibility. If I have views on a topic I want someone in office who will also support those views. Every vote counts! There have been many elections in the past where just a difference of a few votes have changed history. My vote could mean the difference between one person getting elected instead of the other.

My vote means independence. I no longer will have people making decisions for me. I have a voice to have a say in what those decisions are. Elected officials make all the big decisions, and they listen to the people who vote.

My vote will mean freedom. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died to protect your right to vote. I will show my appreciation for these people by voting.

Afghanistans, Romans and Kenyans would like to be in my position; and I am grateful to use my vote to share my voice.

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