Enlightening power | Teen Ink

Enlightening power

October 28, 2019
By ahs20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My vote means our future. It represents kids from all socio-economic backgrounds. It means kids are going to have inspiring futures and become more successful. It means having the freedom to do whatever you want, without any limitations. Not voting means handing over power.

My vote means helping to enlighten the power we wish we had. Our power means we can change everything we complain about on a daily basis. I want everyone to have the same opportunities in our country and for everyone to be able to get a strong education. Right now, kids that are economically disadvantaged, due to not having the same opportunities as others. Not voting means giving up opportunities.

My vote means kids will all have the same opportunities to have success. I want all kids to have the choice to attend college and earn a degree. I want all races to feel safe doing what they want with their life and not feel that they have a disadvantage. I want our education system to be balanced and fair: to provide kids with every resource they need to succeed. Not voting means letting down the kids.

My vote means helping to improve these situations. There is never going to be a change, if our voting percentage doesn’t increase. By voting, it signifies kids pursuing what they dream to be while affording them with the tools necessary to get there. Not voting means letting hope go of our future.

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