What i'm | Teen Ink

What i'm

January 22, 2021
By Anonymous

Everybody has something they are bad at. Some people are not good at dancing, cooking, or singing. Somethings I’m bad at is I procrastinate a lot and I’m horrible at compromising.  

     Procrastinating has my name all over it. When it comes down to things I don't want to do I would procrastinate just because I don't want to do it. For example, when it came down to math homework I would procrastinate because I hate math, and I’m not really good at it. But I have gotten better with procrastinating when it comes down to school work because I know where I want to be in life and that’s not a good habit. Some other things I procrastinate on is chores I hate getting told what to do when I know I’m going to do it. What I do to help me stop procrastinating is telling myself if I get it done now I won’t have to do it later.

     When it comes to compromising I’m horrible at it. When I want things done, I want them done my way. Other people may have good suggestions, but sometimes I can get stuck on what I want. If I have an idea in my mind, say a particular outfit,  it has to look 100% the way I envisioned, all the way down to the shoes.  If it doesn’t turn out the way I envisioned I’m not getting it. I’m the type of person to where if I don't have everything I need I would just cancel the whole idea. I can recall one time where I wanted a sandwich and just because we didn’t have everything I wanted to go on my sandwich, I just didn’t eat. I had enough to make a sandwich, but because it wasn’t the sandwich I wanted, I canceled the whole thing.

    My mom tells me all the time to have a plan A, B, and C; and that all the plans can be made to fit my wants, but just in a different way. This is something that I have to start doing because I do understand that things cannot always go my way, and as I get older I have to find a way to be flexible. If not I could miss out on opportunities, because of me being stubborn. 

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