Teen Driving | Teen Ink

Teen Driving

January 22, 2010
By Cesar Ceniceros BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Cesar Ceniceros BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I do support them raising the licensing age to 18, because with the licensing being raise the state and its people will get a lot of benefits.
The first benefit would be the death rate will reduce, as shown by Allstate’s stat of states that have use this program, and have lowered car crash rates by 40%. The price of a human life is more valuable than getting a license early
The next benefit for raising the licensing age to 18 is the state gets $25 million a year for the first 3 years. This would help by fixing roads or helping schools with books and computers. This means a better life for everyone in that state.
The final benefit for raising the licensing age to 18 would be the state will not get to reduce a percent of funding. What this mean is if the state gets its funding reduce that means it will raise taxes, which also means more money out of our pockets.
In conclusion I believe that enforcing the GDL would be a great benefit because it would reduce teen crashes, get the state more money for funding, and we won’t get higher taxes. That is why I believe that enforcing the GDL would be a benefit for the state.

The author's comments:
It was use as my short essay on teen driving

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