No Love | Teen Ink

No Love

March 13, 2010
By Cassandra Rae Cuddy GOLD, Milford, Massachusetts
Cassandra Rae Cuddy GOLD, Milford, Massachusetts
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And when the sun comes creeping up
He’ll be waiting on the pavement top,
With the tar pressed into his skin,
It’s alright, no one really loved him

With a bullet tapped into his grin
He sinned and then he paid for his sins
He paid and then he paid them again
It’s alright, no one really loved him

His heart musta broke when he was young,
He grew up living with guns
Every day was a battle, he had nowhere to go
So he learned to play the game, claimed he had no soul

And the kid never got no love
But we can’t make that our problem
For what we give is never enough
Everyone’s got to deal, everyone’s got it rough

And it’s a shame that he had no luck
But we can’t make that our problem
It’s not our fault we don’t have love for a stranger
He put himself in his very own danger
And besides, he only ever showed us anger

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