A Thanksgiving Masterpiece | Teen Ink

A Thanksgiving Masterpiece

April 11, 2010
By Anonymous

The main attraction on Thanksgiving is always the table. It is beautifully adorned with a table cloth of warm fall colors, fine china dishes with shiny silverware and decorative napkins to match. The table is set with a luscious feast of different holiday foods. At the ends of the table are all of the side dishes. There are the sweet potatoes and corn that light up the room with their vibrant colors and add sweetness to the meal with their candy like taste. The warm, buttery crescent rolls that give off a homey and welcoming aroma and crunchy green beans, creamy mashed potatoes and loaded stuffed mushrooms that give the table a traditional Thanksgiving feeling. In the center is the main event; the turkey. This 20 pound bird is golden brown and juicy, smelling of fine spices such as rosemary, sage, oregano and parsley. Each piece is so juicy and moist, creating a flavor explosion in your mouth.

Surrounding the table are family, friends and loved ones all awaiting the moment that the food is served and they can eat. Suddenly, a voice calls out “time for dinner!” and everyone grabs a plate and dives in to the exquisite meal. During this time the room is filled with sounds of silverware hitting the plate, chewing, crunching and swallowing; all sounds of gratitude and satisfaction. After the craziness of the dinner rush, all that is left on the table are empty dishes and scarce leftovers. Then it is time to reset the table for round two; dessert.

The dessert table is just as copious with food as the dinner table but not as clean. It is lined with the same tablecloth from dinner but with smaller plates, silverware and mugs for coffee and tea. It is filled with numerous kinds of delectable pies and cookies that will satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth. The piping hot apple pie, sweet blueberry pie, zesty pumpkin pie/ cookies and freshly brewed coffee create an amazing aroma of savory holiday scents. It is truly a perfect ending to a perfect meal.

After the dessert is over and the festival of food comes to a halt, the table is finally empty. All that remains are the leftover crumbs, stained table cloth and dirty dishes. This is a result of another successful meal. It is truly a thanksgiving masterpiece.

The author's comments:
I had to write this piece for a journal entry fo my english class but I feel that it is one if my best pieces due to all of the imagery that I used. In this piece, I am describing what my Thanksgiving dinner table and what it looks like before and after the meal. This piece also kind of represents my family and what our Thanksgiving is like. I hope you enjoyed it!

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