Chew Yourself a Better Brain | Teen Ink

Chew Yourself a Better Brain

March 5, 2015
By Emir.Bajrovic BRONZE, Essex Jct., Vermont
Emir.Bajrovic BRONZE, Essex Jct., Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine being in the middle of a class. You're taking a big test for this subject, and you can’t remember all the thing you have learned. You then begin to pull out a stick of gum from your pocket, and begin to chew on it. you then begin to get a flashback on one of your assignments that you go an A+ on and begin to start answering these answers. The next time you come in the class, and the teacher gives your grades back, you receive a hundred on it.

Gum should be allowed by students during the school day.

Some types of gum can help your teeth become cleaner. Gum can increase saliva production (Chewing gum facts). Now you might ask, “How does gum help saliva?” Well, gum benefits your mouth due to that it is one of the most important components of oral health. Saliva protects the environment in your mouth: how clean your mouth is, like your teeth and gums. Saliva allows you to digest food quicker and it helps your teeth become strong.  Gum will remove leftover food that hasn’t been brushed away by a toothbrush(Health Benefits). Without gum, those “leftovers” stick to your teeth, eventually becoming plaque. People who chewed more sugar-free gum had fewer cavities than before (health benefits).  So how does this have to do anything with school?” you might say. Well every school has a lunchroom where you can eat. Gum will help you digest that food and then some gum will also help remove that food you have ate from your lunch and it will also prevent that plaque.  Plaque prevention again! Go ahead and try it.

Allowing gum in school will increase concentration for many students.To prove this, chewing gum will help the brain run smoothly and help other people get ready in the morning. I believe that chewing gum is the best thing to do when you wake up because it will increase your concentration. To prove this, gum increases the flow of oxygen and some part of the brain such as increasing memory, better mood,intelligence and a very important concept to people is learning. According to the Wrigley company, they said that students who chewed gum showed an increase in their math tests. Also, people who chewed gum and people who didn’t chew gum had been tested from numbers 1-9 in a random order  (viewzone chewing gum). The people who chewed gum had a quicker reaction time, and more accurate results. Another way to boost concentration and do better in school!

Recent studies have shown that America has the highest obesity rate in the world. Gum can help prevent obesity because if people were to chew gum, they would not want to have something else in their mouths, like Cheetos or Cheese Burger. This will decrease the obesity rate.  Kathleen Melanson, an URI associate professor of nutrition and food, compared gum chewing to not chewing gum in healthy adults( chewing gum calorie intake). Regular gum chewing before food or drink will increase their metabolisms and decrease their blood sugars. Many people want to lose weight by eating healthy foods like whole wheat or whole grain pasta, these foods won't even help you lose weight because the have sugar inside the food and then they will gain more weight and then asking themselves “How did I gain more weight now?” Some gum companies produce sugar free gum and when people chew the gum, they don’t want to eat some other food because there mouth is already filled with gum and you don’t want to ruin the taste of the gum. Chewing on gum will decrease the rate of obesity over time. So why does obesity have anything to do with school? Many students who gain more weight, really want to play a sport that they really enjoy but don’t make the team for example soccer. If you want to become a striker for your school team, coaches want students with pace. So it would be a struggle to join a soccer team and play. But as we can see, gum can reduce and help you lose more weight and maybe even get selected for the team.  Don’t believe me? Try it!

“Students in school don’t throw gum away, they just stick it under there desk and make the person seem like he or she didn’t do it.” So, we know that many people do this. They do this because they’re afraid that they will get caught by the teacher. They don’t know the reason behind chewing and its benefits to students, workers and other people. If these students were allowed to be able to chew gum, they would get better test scores, their concentration will increase when they’re working on an essay, test, lab etc. So, what do you think about gum now? Should it be banned? It shouldn’t be.

So, why do we need to ban gum in school just because of people sticking  them under desks? If gum wasn't banned, our whole school society will be greater,our health benefits in our oral mouth would prevent fewer cavities. We would have better grades in school, our oral mouth would be better and finally we would have less of an obesity rate.


"Chewing Gum in School." Chewing Gum in School. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
"Chewing Gum." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015
"Chew Yourself a Better Brain." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015
"Chewing Gum Can Reduce Calorie Intake." Chewing Gum Can Reduce Calorie Intake. 11 Feb. 2015.

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