Generations | Teen Ink


October 30, 2016
By Anonymous

Generations are important in many different ways and have huge impacts on the world. Every generation of children are raised differently and are taught different things. Our parent’s generation before us had a lot less than what we have today. Obviously, the more time goes by, the more advanced our world gets. Not only with technology, but with everything else in our lives. Adults now in our generation may look back in time and remember themselves as children, wondering if they had everything we have today how different their life would have been.


My generation is based on technology. Everything we do every day involves technology, and many places that didn’t have technology or electronics are heading in that direction as well. For example, many schools now are going paper free and turning to computers, smart boards, etc. Another example of technology being such an impact on the world is from something that has gotten less popular now, but was the biggest thing last year in 2015. Hover boards were on everyone’s mind last year. Every child needed to have one, or use one from a friend. This shows how technology in our generation is way more advanced than our parent’s were. In our parent’s generation, they never thought hover boards and smart phones would ever be a reality. Our parents grew up in a generation where textbooks and Motorola’s were the biggest hit. Now, that makes us laugh. The scary thing is, technology is just going to advance even more as time passes. Every day scientists and others figure more and more about technology and how they could advance it. The iPhone is probably the biggest smart phone out in the world today, and every year somehow, they find away to advance it even more. Even though it might not be a huge change all the time, it is still something they do to improve their technology.

As generations pass, so do the styles of homes, buildings, bridges, and even other structures. Homes nowadays are made really modern with white and glass everywhere, but in the previous generations it would be a basic home with mostly wood and darker colors. You might think these are the only things changing throughout our generations, but that’s wrong. Things that we don’t even know about yet have been made and things we don’t even think about a lot have changed terrifically. Styles of clothing are changing all the time and are definitely way different than what our parents used to wear when they were growing up. Hairstyles are also something else that has changed over the generations. As you can see, there are many big and small changes that have happened over the course of generations.

Changes are not the only things that happened over generations though. Many previous generations have also helped our generation and generations above us grow and improve. An example would be when electricity was discovered. If a previous generation did not discover it our world today would be very different. Our whole lifestyle would be different. Who knows, maybe one day we will have robots everywhere and flying cars.

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