Are You Aware? | Teen Ink

Are You Aware?

January 29, 2018
By bucsy BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
bucsy BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever think of why you do something that someone says even if you don’t want to? You have to think what everyone else is thinking in school. There is only one way to learn as some schools have said. Even though you get straight A’s, you won't get a good job. Figuring everything out on your own is what they want. Schooling hasn’t changed in a long time and people are evolving. A new form of tests and learning need to be customized and made.

Frederick.J.Kelly is the man who invented standardized testing. Filling in a multiple choice question or filling in a bubble can be used to determine your whole future. One thing that many people do not know is that he said “These tests are too crude to be used, and should be abandoned.” The man who invented these tests think that they are wrong and should never be used.

Schools have not even taken account to what he said, but we are still using these types of tests today. Sure today's schooling might work for some people and some people might not even care about it. But there are other people who need something better and a way to connect to what they are learning. A good teacher is one that connects with each and every student giving them what's best.

Not that you have to get up and personal with every student, but you need to conference with them to see what they are struggling with. If you don’t then they may believe their whole life that they will never accomplish that subject. Teaching us what we need to know may be the foundation of something new and amazing.

The author's comments:

This piece is just telling about schools these days and how we can improve what we do.

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