Moral Decisions vs Political Leadership | Teen Ink

Moral Decisions vs Political Leadership

February 6, 2018
By Teiya BRONZE, Nephi, Utah
Teiya BRONZE, Nephi, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Liar, corrupt, devious, selfish, greedy, and manipulative are just a few of the words that sometimes come to mind whenever the unfortunate topic of politics, and their politicians in particular, is discussed. Most Americans try to avoid political topics as much as possible. So much so that there are news articles about it. Such as: "Trump's in the White House, turkey's on the table: What to do if you don't want to talk politics" From USA Today, or "Talking Politics at Work: Why and How to Avoid It" Written by Dawn Rosenberg McKay on The Balance Newspage. This should be very upsetting. The voters of a nation ought to be satisfied with the leaders they have elected. So why is this not the status quo? The answer is that the politicians' and leaders in generals’, behaviors are holding their skills back. Politicians recently are regularly unkindly described, and oftentimes they have earned it. In order to fix this, Politicians should use morals to help influence the decisions they make because it would give them more respect and help shape a better future for the rising generations.

Respect is an important part of human life in general. It is important for humans to respect others and be respected. According to Schuitema Human Excellence Group, "Respecting others is a silent way to express our feeling for them. It's an unspoken way of communication which builds unshaken and strong relations between people respecting each other. When a person shows respect for someone, then it means that the person has some value for him. His advice and suggestions are important for him." If politicians had this kind of respect to be the name behind their campaign, it would greatly increase their success and their devotion to their voters. This kind of respect would open doors for politicians that could lead to strong and esteemed positions in society. Moral choices and decisions are the step toward this respect. People who act morally make themselves more respectable. According to globalethicsnetwork states that morality is an important part of political leadership. Without it they aren't respecting others' rights to opinions. This means that people who act morally and hold others in esteem makes them more respectable. In short, it can make their audiences feel more respected. If politicians used morality to make decisions, then they would be more respected in society.

Some people might argue that using morals in decisions makes a leader weak but this actually just isn't true. It can help politicians be better leaders and examples for the rising generations. According to Jasmine Guinness, "Be kind, don't judge, and have respect for others. If we can do all this, the world would be a better place. The point is to teach this to the next generation." Leaders, especially political ones, are being examples to the future leaders. If the next generation and those to follow it have good moral leaders as examples, it could change everything the public sees in politics. Political leaders should teach by example and use morals to help make decisions.

Ray Krock once said, "The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves." Negative adjectives should no longer be the description of any public leader, especially in politics. Leaders of anything should have respect and have earned it. In order to earn this respect and be an example to the shape the future, they need to use morals to make good decisions. These moral decisions will gain respect by stomping out the undesirable attributes such as liar and corrupt. Moral decisions are important to the people and should also be important to our leaders.

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Anonymous said...
on May. 2 2018 at 3:10 am
I agree with your ideas stated in your article. Your views are very articulate. Maybe you should become a politician. Good luck.