Cruelness is Below Kindness | Teen Ink

Cruelness is Below Kindness

January 13, 2013
By Gillum22 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
Gillum22 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Faith Without Work Is Dead.

My freshman year in high school was a little bit smoother. It didn't last that long though. It started when I was in my strategic reading class. This girl completely was still evil since elementary school. She wanted to copy my hardwork. She would talk about me and say I was weak. I showed her different and so did my teacher. She bragged about my scores being the highest in class and she transferred me into a better one.

The author's comments:
This girl was of a new breed. She would talk about me and then act as if she were my friend. I never liked her. Everyone underestimated my skills in basketball but I showed them. I didn't have to prove anything though. This girl thought it was so funny and made fun of me. It bothered me a little. Until a year later, she was having a child and barely any friends. Suddenly all the picking on me turned around on her. So bullying is no joke. It hurts and can destroy someone. Don't join it, rise against it.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 16 2013 at 12:22 pm
LinkinPark12 PLATINUM, Lincolnshire, Other
45 articles 1 photo 198 comments

Favorite Quote:
Work like you don’t need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching. ¦ I like change - but only when everything stays the same.

Did this story carry on from the author's comments? I'm a little confused.