cyber bullying | Teen Ink

cyber bullying

February 8, 2013
By Anonymous

Cyber bullying

don't think cyberbullying is a problem? don't think its important? well, think again. it is, and it always will be if we don't do something about it. still not convinced? read some of the stories below, i bet you’ll change your mind.

there have been so many suicides because of cyber bullying. so many innocent lives lost because people think its fun to talk mean things about people, who are just innocent, didn't even hurt a fly. it's people like lori drew, the man on face book threatening amanda todd, and the hundreds of other people who post rumors on facebook, and myspace, and all those other social websites.

back in 2006, there was a young girl, about 14, who had just got in a fight with a friend, and just ended the friendship with her.soon after, she met a cute guy on Myspace, his name was josh. he was hot, or at least too megan meiers. they had been talking for weeks, it was 3 weeks before megans 14th birthday. when she got home from school, she was excited too log on to talk to him. but something was wrong. very wrong. josh was suddenly being really mean all the sudden. now people were posting things about her.”megan is a slut” and” megan is fat. the last message megan ever rea"Everybody in O'Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a sh**ty rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you." then,later that day megan hung herself. the worst thing is that josh was really the parents of megan's ex-best friend.

then there's the story of Amanda todd. she wa cyberbullied. it caused her to start drugs, and drinking. it also ended her life. thats right, she killed herself after making a youtube video about how much she had's her story; she had logged on to a webcam, and was persuaded by a 30 year old man into flashing him. then he wouldn't leave her alone.he was threatening her, saying that if she didn't “put on a show” he would show every onr the toppless picture too everyone.what was she too do? he had found out everything about her. where she went to school, who her parents where, and who she hung out with.he posted it as his profile picture. amanda moved schools to avoid all the people who had seen the picture.
theres also the story of Ryan Halligan, , Jessica Logan, Tyler Clementi, Sarah Lynn Butler, Rachael Neblett,Phoebe Prince, Grace K. Mcomas,all commited suicide because of cyber bullying.because of people like Lori Drew,and the facebook guy, and mean teenagers who can't accept people for who they are. Rest in peace Megan, Amanda, Ryan, Hope, and all of you who have ended your lives because of heartless people, and may they forever live with what they have done.

but you know, you can help prevent all of this. you can save an innocent life. How you may ask? for one you can't be a bystander. don't forward mean, nasty messages, stand up for others, don't give an audience. don't encourage them.

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