The Voice! | Teen Ink

The Voice!

April 18, 2013
By nikkuh12 BRONZE, Cadiz, Ohio
nikkuh12 BRONZE, Cadiz, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We were put on this planet
To live and to love.
To cherish the ones in our lives.
And never let them get hurt.......
Safety is a priority
But danger is an outcome.
Why is it, that we work so very hard?
For something that will still happen

Bulling comes from everywhere and almost everyone, Weather or not you chose to show or have shone it, We have bullied some on or have been bullied neither one is a good thing. I write for the people who are afraid of what others do or say, because if not no one hears there cries or the silence they have because of the bullies, Yah they come to you for help many times but you don't seem to listen or even try to ask are you 'OKAY' cause that is what really matters if there okay, are the planning on doing anything to any one or them self's, Its happens kids killing kids or them self's neither one is good, No reason to bully people makes it okay, And no I don't only blame the kids I blame some of the parents when they give there kid everything some bullies others cause they don't have what they have or don't wear or say what they want them to do. The word no is there or a reason so kids can use it, Why be some one your not I love being me the way I am, I'm different, wouldn't you want to be different instead of like everyone else, then people wouldn't be unique like they are today, I was bullies in school by a kid, I hated it I really didn't even tell no one, but people new you could tell by the way they looked they kids really didn't say anything either some times they helped, Today i'm a mean person, but im the most caring person also as my friends say, its caused me to lie a lot so that people couldn't tell who I really am but I have been learning slowly to let people in and I don't let people get to me any more. I'm a voice when the speechless cant speak.

The author's comments:
I know

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