speak up | Teen Ink

speak up

April 23, 2013
By Desirae1998 BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
Desirae1998 BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wanted to play a sport or join a school club or hang out with someone but there was one person who was mean to you. So you don’t do the things that you like have you ever wanted to stand up to that person and tell them that they don’t need to be mean to you but you were to shy or to afraid to tell them that so you just let them talk bad about you behind your back well I was like that but when I see those mean people I think to myself that I am better than them and I don’t need them to get to me so I either ignore them or walk the other way so why don’t we just speak up to those bullies and if we want to play a sport or join a school function we should be able to do so without being talk bad about behind our back we should be able to do our own thing so I think that even if those people whether they are your class mates or someone that you know you should always be nice to them because you never know if that person will turn out to be your friend in the future or your boss. You should be nice to them and if that doesn’t work then they aren’t worth the trouble. If you see someone being picked on or being bullied tell someone who will listen to you that way they can deal with it some people don’t think that bulling is a big thing but for teenagers bullying is a big thing even if you aren’t bullied in person you could be bullied over the internet, over the phone, or over text messages. People don’t realize that what they post on Facebook or on Twitter can hurt someone. You should always do the right thing and if the person is mean to you ask them why they are mean to you and what did you ever do to that person to make them hate you. If you speak up about what is happening to you maybe other teenagers will want to speak up to and don’t think that suicide is the answer to your problems because you have people who love you and who care for you and they would never want someone to hurt you so if you speak up you could save a life of someone special.

The author's comments:
i see people get bullied all the time at my school and over the internet it needs to stop

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