Exiled | Teen Ink


October 7, 2013
By ProfoundSmiles BRONZE, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
ProfoundSmiles BRONZE, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stars can't shine without darkness.

She hides behind twenty eight pearly white squares
not faking just enduring what no one else sees
If you ask she’ll say no but she secretly cares
her perceived optimism does not come with ease
Fabric to fingertips never letting it show
she’s never felt accepted on this judgemental earth
Hurting more inside than you’ll ever know
everyday checking that number of worth
But instead of resolving this sharp pain in her chest
she keeps track of the days with more metal on wrist
The time has been set for her eternal rest
as the seconds count down her eyes fill with a mist
Pondering is this really the best solution
she steps off the chair forgetting the concept of resolution

The author's comments:
I know people go through a lot of things in regard to society. I feel like sometimes people like to read things that may relate to their situation.

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