You Know My Name Not My Story | Teen Ink

You Know My Name Not My Story

November 10, 2013
By hannahcavender128 SILVER, Independence, Missouri
hannahcavender128 SILVER, Independence, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is a battlefield" "We all have bruises"

Society; the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. Those people have to make adaptations. Some negative, some positive. The way we look at the other people living in our community, is a sick adaptation to be made.
Prejudice against race, sexuality, religious views, anything we can think of to have an excuse to be against someone, is one of the adaptations we've developed somewhere along the line of humanity. And for some reason we just can't seem to shake it off. Why is it that we can't go a minute without instinctively judging others?
We see someone who seems like an outcast. We automatically have something against them. Whether it's an opinion on their looks, their voice, whatever. We can't not judge people, for some reason. I don't understand it.
Why can't we just stop the hate? The prejudice? Why can't we just all be...friends? Why do we think we have to know no more than just someone's name? Why can't get to know each other's stories?

The author's comments:
I wanted to write this because I feel it's a representation of society <3

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