How Can We Stop Bullying | Teen Ink

How Can We Stop Bullying

January 8, 2014
By Zaki J BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Zaki J BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bullying is everywhere in the world and it happens everyday and it has to stop. Not enough people step up to bullying and some think lowly of this problem. They don’t care about bullying because they do not know the reactions it can cause.
How can bullying be stopped?, It can be stopped by speaking up,If you’re the victim of bullying then
you should speak up by telling an adult, let them know that bullying is a huge problem.

Don’t be afraid to stand up to that person, you shouldn’t just let it happen if you don’t like it.
Another way a person could help is by the standby ders could step in and try to make the bully stop and help the victim.They could also go tell an adult if they see it happen. You shouldn’t just stand there and let it happen you should try and help that person out. If you are the bully you shouldn’t keep bullying because your actions can do more harm then you think.
Sometimes bullying leads to suicide. Suicide happens everyday because of bullying, even though the victim doesn't say anything about them getting bullied they still want it to stop.
The victim choice is even more critical than the bullies, As the victim you make the choice whether or not it can be stopped, your actions can make something into a negative into a positive.As the victim you should tell an adult to make the problem stop. Its because of your choices you can control what happens to yourself.
A girl in Maryland was bullied numerous of times and it never ended, she felt so angry and sad that she chosed to hang herself in her bedroom.She could have stopped it by telling an adult but she didn't. This shows that the actions of bullying can be much worst.
If bullying was stopped it would be a better place with better people.There would be no more fighting on the streets and there would be less suicides in the world.But in order to this we would have to put a stop to bullying and care about what other people think. Bullying would never stop if we don’t open our eyes and pay attention to what is in front of us.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because i wanted to show people the effects of bullying and how you shouldn't think lightly of it.

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