Save Me | Teen Ink

Save Me

January 21, 2014
By KaityStar BRONZE, Brentwood, Rhode Island
KaityStar BRONZE, Brentwood, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never be ashamed of a scar, it simply means your stronger that whatever tried to hurt you.

Won't you come,

And save me?

Save me from myself,

Save me from the part of me,

That desperately wants to hurt,

Save me from this hellish excuse for life,

Save me from the nothing I've become,

Save me from giving up,

Save me from the monsters in my head,

Save me from lying down,

And not getting back up.

It's like I'm drowning,

And I''m the only one who notices.

Save me from falling apart,

Save me from just ending it all,

Save me from the part of me,

That's begging to die.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem when I was really depressed and angry. And somehow, it turned into something I'm now proud to show people.

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