Strike out bullying | Teen Ink

Strike out bullying

March 23, 2015
By SeanStraka GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
SeanStraka GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Born with the genetic makings for a pale, thin kid with a frizzy mop head of blonde hair, obviously I was bullied.
I push it off, and really just ignore it. Who cares what people think about me? My older brother was bullied through his teen years. He let people walk over him and it ruined his self esteem. I hate seeing him mad or upset, which he frequently is.

I am fortunate to be at my school because they handle bullying. But the thing is, everyone has gotten bullied and everyone has bullied someone else, no matter how much you hate to admit it. When I see bullying I try to speak up, though like many others, sometimes I lack the willpower. like one time in English.

I was sitting in my english 9 class during work time. Some people were talking, including a boy with a slight lisp. In the middle of this boys sentence some person broke in. A known “popular kid” interrupts him to say, “Your lisp makes you sound like an idiot.”

This boy has a lisps yeah, but who cares? He was born with it. I have a slight lisp to. I sit debating whether or not to speak up. I quickly decided to do so.

“Shut up, Who cares how he sounds? All this makes you is a jerk.” Everyone should stand up to real bullies, and there aren’t a lot of them at my school so that makes it even better when you stand up to one.

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