Bully | Teen Ink


March 23, 2015
By Alyssa234 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Alyssa234 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being a shy and quiet teen in a school with approximately 2,400 students, I would have thought there would be larger amounts of bullying and harassment. Fortunately, that isn’t the case with my school. I have attended here for almost three years now, and I am astonished with the behaviors of the students here. They not only respect each other, but they also give compliments, boosters to build up your attitude and day, and also treat each other equally.

There has not been many cases of bullying. Even the students with disabilities get the chance to fit in with the other kids and partake in school and after school activities. These kids with disabilities get the chance to participate because of the respect from other students. Not once have I seen a student get physically bullied and rarely have I seen verbal bullying. All of this takes part in how every student puts an effort in respecting and caring for one another. My school has multiple groups that make an effort to make sure this school becomes a better places each and every day. Small sticky notes are placed on lockers and windows, quotes and statements are written on the whiteboards in every hallway, and posters are placed on the white concrete walls.

There have been times when my friends and I have seen the posters being knocked down from the walls and even the quotes on white boards erased. But, there is always that  fearless, confident student that will go right back to the whiteboard and write another uplifting quote. It is fascinating to see how much kids care.

Along with the whiteboards, posters, and sticky notes, there is a program named Best Buddies which helps the students with disabilities. This gives the kids a chance. A chance to actually feel like they fit in and can participate just as much as the other students.

My school is not just any ordinary high school. It is a school where every student gets treated the same. Everyone is equal, everyone gives respect, and everyone acts as if its a new start to a new day. My school is one team.

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