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By HushedButterfly GOLD
San Antonio, Texas

Throughout our lives we are constantly told words will never hurt us, but in reality woords are the deadliest weapon. People call you ugly, fat, skinny and smart no matter what t...
HushedButterfly GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
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"You're eyes are blue."-Lena

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By Joshymoshy BRONZE
Brookline, Massachusetts
Joshymoshy BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
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By Anonymous
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By Anonymous
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By Poshh_Joshh BRONZE
San Diego, California
Poshh_Joshh BRONZE, San Diego, California
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By Anonymous
Daniella Lopez BRONZE,
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By Anonymous
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By Anonymous
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By Kimberly1945 SILVER
Phoenix, Arizona
Kimberly1945 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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