Feels Good to Help | Teen Ink

Feels Good to Help

February 9, 2018
By Jackielion SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Jackielion SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

The world is huge. It's hard to imagine how many people there are and the situations they are in. I am lucky to be able to live in a house with my family and eat whenever I want. But unfortunately there are people who are not lucky as me and have to go days and weeks without food. This all became apparent to me when I went to Feed My Starving Children. This organization prepare package to send of to third world countries or places that have had a natural disaster recently.

I went with my dance group. As I drop off my bags in the classroom in order to get on the bus, I keep questioning why I signed up mostly because was looking forward to going home and napping. However I was ready to get my community service hours adding up. After a few minutes my friend comes on the bus and promptly sits next to me. We converse as we head out of school. As we get on the highway the becomes a construction site me and friends can barely hear what we are saying to each other. As shout to each other I begin to think of what we are doing an immediately my heart starts pounding. My social anxiety was kicking in.

“I’m tired” I utter to my friend.

“Me too” she replied.
“I want to go home” I chuckled as we stare out the window wonder where we are going. I try to play off cool but I keep overthinking situations that might happen.

We arrive to our destination and my teachers disclose what will happen when we get off the bus. We hurry off the bus and, recieve hair nets from the employees. I was amazed to to that they had their own building with their gift shop as well brimming with items from all around the world. The entire group was seated on benches placed in front of a screen. We waited a couple of awkward minutes, and suddenly a man begins to greet us with a powerpoint. He runs down the rules and steps of the establishment. While I try to quickly to memorize everything, he begins to talk of why the organization was started. He talks about all the families from different countries the organization has helped. I couldn’t help but think about how lucky me and my peers are.  As much as we complain about school there are people across the world who only get food at school. He then plays a instructional video of the process of packing the food I mentally pick my job based on level of complexity and head to the sinks to wash my hands.

I stay close to my friends and head to our own station where I would pack the vitamins and vegetables. We packed rice, vegetable, vitamins, and wheat. I would take a tablespoon of vitamin and dehydrated vegetable and dropped them into a funnel where they would go into the bag. I was responsible for initiating the first step. Even though our table started to fall behind the others I thought it was my fault but I could not stop thinking about how I could mess up the meal. I was overcome by how this one meal could affect a person and how I would dare to mess it up.

We finally finished up the meals and began heading back to the benches in order to take a picture. After the picture they lead a prayer in a different part of the room. I did not join. I could never have contained my smile. I thought about how stuff like this can amalgamate strangers and create a better environment for people.
While walking onto the bus my heart was full of happiness. I felt as if I had consummated a milestone making those meals. We ended up feeding about 115 children in the Philippines. I’m still amazed at the different a group of people can make on the world and how much a small action can majorly affect the lives of others. It's important we show compassion towards each other because it will surely change society perspective on the needy.

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