The Affects That Parenting Can Have In A Home. | Teen Ink

The Affects That Parenting Can Have In A Home.

May 1, 2021
By System_Error_26 PLATINUM, Edmond, Oklahoma
System_Error_26 PLATINUM, Edmond, Oklahoma
44 articles 0 photos 20 comments

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The Effects That Parenting 
Can Have In A Home.

For what reasons do you think Americans are waiting to have children later in life? What effect, if any, might having older parents have on children?

I think Americans are waiting to have children later on in life because they might want more time to ensure that their children have a sturdy home and a healthy environment. I believe this because many Americans before the age of 28-31, don’t exactly have a steady and plentiful income. If a child grows up in a low-income community, they’re more likely to drop out of school, display delinquent tendencies, and continue to live in poverty as adults and raise their children the same way they were raised, continuing the cycle. Now let’s say that the child is a boy; we will call him Ronald. Ronald is around 20 times more likely to go to prison as an adult than his friend, Dennis, who grew up in a middle-income community. Dennis is more likely to go to prison as an adult than his friend, Justin, who grew up in a high-income community. 

I think that having older parents could affect the children in both a negative and positive way. It could affect a child negatively because the parents may be too old to spend a lot of time with their children. It may also affect the child in a positive way because they may have more time to spend with their children. It may also allow the parents to be more patient with their children. 

If parents spend more time with their kids, then they will probably be closer. If parents spend less time with their children, the kids will probably be distant and cause problems outside of the home for attention. 

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