Air Pollution | Teen Ink

Air Pollution

November 21, 2013
By Ann367 SILVER, Ransom, Illinois
Ann367 SILVER, Ransom, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Good friends stab you in the front

Our air needs help . You can help by not burning your things often. When you burn too much your not getting rid of your problem ,your making a worse one. This problem is air pollution .You can help by giving what you don’t want away. Instead of burning it or throwing it away. If its food compost it. Or if its paper or plastic recycle it.

Another problem is cars. They burn gas which comes out as smoke out the exhaust pipe. That puts it in our air. Lessen this problem by carpooling. Carpooling decreases the gas in our air. That’s what’s best for our Earth . You should always do what’s best for our Earth. So if you can carpool as much as possible.

Meanwhile, another tip is . If you have a lot of things. Give them away if you don’t need them. I’m sure a good family would love to have them. Don’t Burn the clean things you have. Don’t throw away the goods things. That’s just wasting it when it can be used in other ways. Help people from our air . Pitch in and you’ll find you’ll like helping.

As for us. SAVE OUR EARTH! SAVE OUR PEOPLE! WE CAN HELP!. Help while still have time. Help the air by doing all these things. We can’t make it go all away. But WE can help it from getting worse. That’s what we are here for. Do your job in life and help yours and my Earth.

I feel in the need to help as much as possible. We can get together to make this Earth a better place for our family and friends. It all adds up if there is more than just one. Help our community, our state, our country, and our Future. Help our own and our loved ones future be healthier.

The author's comments:
well air pollution


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