Hybrid Cars | Teen Ink

Hybrid Cars

December 12, 2013
By basket-ball11 BRONZE, Stonemountain, Georgia
basket-ball11 BRONZE, Stonemountain, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Cars have been around for a long time. They were invented by Carl Benz in 1894, but Henry Ford is the one who mass produced it and made it accessible for every one to use it. Cars are still around today, they are used for recreation, agriculture (tractors, which came from cars) and advertisement. But, they are mainly used for transportation. Even though they help greatly, they can cause pollution issues. This is why the first model of hybrid cars was invented by Ferdinand Porsche, in 1896.

Cars let off carbon dioxide from their exhaust pipe. This happens because it is burning of gasoline in their cylinders. The amount of gasoline being burned depends on how many cylinders a car has. The carbon dioxide will then rise up to the ozone layer. This then puts holes in the ozone layer, causing it to deform. Deformation in this layer will cause it to let more sunlight pass through it more easily. This will cause earth’s temperature to increase abnormally. This is called global warming. Scientists all over the world are baffled by global warming. They don’t know if its natural causes or humans making the earths temperature rise. If this was humans fault, humans are trying to prevent it from making Eco-friendly products.

The first hybrid car for everyone to use was the Toyota Prius. It wasn't a big hit at first; but it changed the way manufactures made cars forever. Regular cars are made out of only one engine. The engines only consume gasoline made from coal. When the gasoline is burned it creates carbon dioxide. The average car has 4 cylinders. This can hold approximately 16 gallons of gasoline, which is only 320 miles. This will last your mom or dad only about a week of driving to work. One gallon of gasoline also costs on average 3.20 dollars. This adds pollution and money problems.

Hybrid cars have two main engines to make them run. It has an electric motor with batteries to power it. It also has engine to run on gasoline. Hybrid cars use electricity to drive over short distances and gasoline for long distances. The electric motor doesn’t even need electricity, once you car slows down or stops the battery slowly recharges itself. The car also doesn't take in a lot of gasoline to use. Hybrid cars cut down waste from the environment and the ecosystem. It will help the earth atmosphere and air cleanliness a lot. The car also has a downside. It is expensive and also weighs a lot because of its two engine motors.

These cars are just the first step in helping the environment. Car manufactures are working to make them cheaper and more common. But, if the distance is very short just take a bike to help the earth. Electric cars are going to be the future of transportation.

The author's comments:
I hope this article will provide a reference of why hybrid cars help the earth. Global warming is becoming a bigger of an issue as people create new machines. People have to take care of the earth too.

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on Dec. 26 2013 at 9:54 pm
basket-ball11 BRONZE, Stonemountain, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Can anyone please give feedback to my article?