is the coronavirus dangerous? | Teen Ink

is the coronavirus dangerous?

March 12, 2020
By Anonymous

The coronavirus has quickly spread at an unsettling time, getting anyone sick at the slightest of a cough. This virus has disrupted peoples traveling. This latest epidemic has got people fearful to even go see family. The origin of the current coronavirus seemed to have come from a “wet market” in Wuhan china which sold live and dead animals. The animals that they seemed to be selling has been infected by a bat. Having turned these animals sick. This is a recent on-going problem that has people all over the world dying. This can be spread by a cough or a sneeze. Even if too close you can also contract it. If around a person with the virus you must have a hazmat suit or protective gear on. This sickness has been contracted by 80,000 people in more than 40 countries. China has seemed to be the worst country to have the most cases of the coronavirus also known as (COVID-19). Lately, there have been over 125,288 confirmed cases of the people who have contracted the coronavirus. 4,614 deaths have happened to the people who have contracted this virus. 118 countries, areas, or territories with the cases. “This was first identified in Wuhan China.” seems to be the first person to ever have the coronavirus was in china then it wildly spread to all the other countries and states like wildfire. “The greatest risk of infection is the people who are in China or who have recently traveled to China.” “The number of infections may be doubling every six days, according to another model, but the nation’s capacity to test for the infection has lagged.” This is turning into a much bigger problem. In my opinion, this seems to be much of a huger problem than the ebola virus in 2018.

The author's comments:

I decided to do an essay on the coronavirus because this is a recent on-going worldwide issue that has everyone questionable as to what to do.

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