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May 7, 2020
By KingKowalski BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
KingKowalski BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.-Michael Jordan

As we all know, we are in a pandemic.  That means that we need to stay away from eachother.  I go to the park to go for runs, and I see people out fishing together, which isn't right. Before this entire thing started, we all wanted to stay inside and play videogames and lurk on social media, and not hang out with people.  Hanging out with people should have been done before the pandemic status was issued.  Also, what's up with the essential business list? Grocery stores, Restaurants, car dealerships, online stores, and GUN SHOPS!  Ok, lets look back at our little list and see what doesn't belong.  GUN SHOPS!  I don't know what person is like, "Hey, i wanna buy a shotgun! Maybe that will kill the virus!".  But seriously, I hate to sound rude, but come on guys, we can do better than that.  If you just stay away from people for now, then later, you can hang out safely without dying or getting sick and spreading it.

The author's comments:

Sorry about the rant.  I feel like some people need to hear that, and to the people who are listening to the cdc, good job!

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