Inside my mind | Teen Ink

Inside my mind

November 12, 2020
By AzzBlum BRONZE, Mexico City, Other
AzzBlum BRONZE, Mexico City, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Raymond don´t break into a candy store and steal one gumball

You´re a small 7th-grade girl, but you were diagnosed with ADHD at 5, anxiety at 9, trichotillomania at 12, and bipolar at 13.  So life's hard for you. You aren't liked a lot. You´re bullied and always terrified. You grew up with your parents fighting, by age nine you had to protect your little sister from your mom's bad language. Crying yourself asleep almost every night. You try to be happy but it's so stressful. You have 3 close friends that you can tell anything. You go to therapy but you don´t tell him anything afraid of being sent to a mental hospital. You have to get good grades you´re an average D or C student and you want to be an ELA teacher. You moved to New Mexico from Puerto Rico. You cut.


You´re a 7th-grade lesbian girl. You were diagnosed with autism at 9, major depressive disorder at 11, and anxiety at 13. So life´s also hard.  You aren't popular but you also aren't hated.  Your dad hates you, but you can always rely on your mom. You have 4 good friends you can tell them anything. You go to therapy you tell him somethings but not a lot. You are an honour student but it's extremely stressful. You´re a straight-A student. You moved to New Mexico from the Netherlands. You cut.


Life one is my life. Life two is my best friend's life. There different and both hard but it's important to realize that everyone has their own struggles, and you have to validate that everyone has struggles. 

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