illuminate everything | Teen Ink

illuminate everything

November 29, 2009
By shimra BRONZE, Bexley, Ohio
shimra BRONZE, Bexley, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When a person finds themselves feeling uneasy the doctor starts to illuminate, in my case the illumination diet. These raging over precautious doctors find one little malfunction and pick at it till it its seams are undone and its knots are frayed, consuming your life in one gulp. No chocolate, sugar, dairy, wheat, soy, nuts, high fructose corn syrup, butter, margarine, oranges, tomatoes, or life. No basketball, gymnastics, running jumping, or exercise of any type. No eating a meal all at once, no non-purified water, no high stress, no life. When you think they have taken everything out of you, except life itself they tell you to seclude yourself, don’t overly interact with your peers in person, in other words become an invisible turtle and crawl into your hard shell and never come out. They tell you don’t worry only twenty one more days left, but every week when you check up with them those twenty one days are repeated to you week after week till your mind is covered like a fast moving stream through your brain, only twenty on days, only twenty on days, only twenty on days……........................

“We will only need ten tubes of blood one more time” the doctor convincingly says. But week after week “don’t worry only one more time” , till every time becomes one more time till the number of veins poked week after week become more than the years you’ve been on earth. The world keeps spinning and the days keep flying by, but not in a doctor’s world.


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