Supreme Deception | Teen Ink

Supreme Deception

April 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Supreme Deception
Blonde hair with streaks of gold, flawless skin that’s been kissed by the sun, and a weight so unreal that you’re obviously not natural; this is something society calls beauty. The idea of perfection is measured by how similar to a magazine model you can look. Anorexia, bulimia, cosmetic surgery, excessive exercise, and even depression can all be a result of perfectionism. As defined by the Collins English Dictionary, perfectionism is “A personal standard, attitude, or philosophy that demands perfection and rejects anything less. “ In other words, it consistently leads to self destruction. How does one cope with the overwhelming actuality of impending misery?

Changing the body nature gave me did not assure me a rightful place in this world; I already had one. By starving my body of the nutrition it needed, I ended up only hurting myself. After about a week I noticed my stomach starting to look flat; I also had a painful tummy ache that never ended. After about four weeks, my jeans seem to have a relaxed look and feel to them; getting up and walking around only caused a few unnoticeable winces. After about two months, I was given prominent knees, elbows, and shoulder blades; the echo of my empty insides reverberated throughout my body, never letting me forget my accomplishment. Of course, that wasn’t enough; everything was limp. Perhaps if I worked out an excessive amount, I could become lean and thin. However, this combination should not have been achieved by punishing my digestive system. While participating in an extraneous workout, my body needed more nutrition, but I wasn’t willing to provide it what it required because that would’ve meant society won; I gave up and couldn’t even manage to reach my full potential of beauty. Eventually I slowly started to die. It was painful and lacked emotion or reason. Energy was no longer provided for my body; the only available intangible sense I was capable of was apathy. If I wanted to keep whatever sense of life I still had, it was crucial that I found that sliver of hope. It didn’t have to be much; it just has to allow me to keep my friends and family. That was the most likely place I could find salvation. Sharing with them what I had been going through may take some time, and in my case did not specifically occur. Some people just knew me so well they eventually figured it out on their own. However, what if I made positive progress without even realizing it was happening?
This one person, whom I had never imagined myself talking to, and definitely never saw myself becoming close with, this person is who I needed. Someone who didn’t know my life story or the circumstances I’d experienced. Everything about them was radiating enchantment, humor, devotion, motivation, and love. The only thing they were concerned with was how they could possibly make the most out of life and end up regretting nothing. Confidence was constantly gushing out of them; anything in their way was pierced with a sense of awe that I was never capable of shaking. Nothing in their life was taken for granted. Of course, a person emanating these characteristics was high maintenance. However, a person like that was also inclined to socialize with everyone. Throughout the year, a friendship was fashioned. Once the two of us became close, I started to realize why they are able to enjoy life to the fullest. I was blessed with the secrets of how to initiate a new beginning. Languidly, a future started to form. To this day I am participating in all the dreams I had for myself. From my saviors company, rebuilding my self esteem took a meager amount of effort. Absentmindedly, piece by piece, my life was mended back together. As I became more confident with the person I was, my friend transformed into an acquaintance who then turned out to be just another human being. Every now and then a flicker of our past shimmers, reminding me of the importance of friendship.

Taking everything, focusing them into their own categories, deciphering them, and figuring out when things started to go awry. That was the fundamental step to recovery. In order to heal what had been damaged, I was required to first locate it. Obtaining that information however, did not appear immediately. In fact, I didn’t even realizing my recovery was taking place; I was too busy establishing an understanding with my new friend. If I had been alone much longer, only shreds of my being would remain. Forming relationships with others may be one of the most important social skills a person can develop.
Life throws many unpredictable dilemmas and stressful situations at you. Learning how to cope with these is a difficulty many can never learn how to understand. Some people don’t even make an effort; they just “go with the flow” as is the motto of a person stuck in a bad place. However, this saying is not how you should go about living your entire life. Every now and then you’re going to have to set out on a journey to discover your own answers. Allowing someone to nuzzle their way into your life, take hold of your heart and mind, purify the obscured, somber pieces is something everyone will need at some point in their lifetime.

Do not allow society to tell you who the most marvelous human being is. The only people who know who you are and sincerely care for you are those that you have relationships with. If you ever feel worthless or like you need to change, just remember that your family and friends love you and would do anything to help you realize what a stunningly ideal woman/man you are. No one can take away the beauty within you. Understand the only purpose of the media is to promote products for profit, not to improve your well being. There are too many instances where we are given someone to compare ourselves to. Forbid slander to seize your thoughts. Become who you are and embrace every moment you’re given with those you love.


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