Teens Should Take Responsibility on eating Fast-Food | Teen Ink

Teens Should Take Responsibility on eating Fast-Food

April 25, 2013
By LilKelila BRONZE, CO, Colorado
LilKelila BRONZE, CO, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you love something let it go if it's meant to be it will come back to you.

Most Americans are not informed that the obesity rates for teenagers are really high. As American teenager’s they should be really concerned about their health and what they would look like, if teens are not concerned about those things they can possibly get obese. Teens were 18% more likely to eat fast-food at least twice a week in America. That is a good rate for now, but in 10 years it will increase by 10% (Heath Habits). Teenagers should know what fast-food can do to their body when eating it too much. Also they should know these facts because there are bad ingredients in the food they eat from McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc. Also there are various diseases that they can get from eating fast-food on a regular day basis.

There is no such thing as a "bad" food, but there are some foods teens should try not to have on a regular basis (Fast Food Facts). It can give teems various diseases. Fast food is cheap, convenient, filling, and too many American teenagers it tastes good. Unfortunately, eating just one fast food meal can impact enough calories, sodium, and fat for an entire day or more. Eating fast-food on a regular basis can lead to different health problems. Still, people know the quick-and-cheap temptation can often be hard to resist. As a teen customer they can make healthier choices and still enjoy the price and convenience of fast-food restaurants. Many fast-food chains are starting to change their menus so there are more healthy options to choose from. Teens just have to make the decision if they want to change a little part of their eating habits.
In an article it said, “McDonald’s chicken McNuggets are full of surprises for sure, also containing dimethylpolysiloxane. This is the chemical that is used in silicone breast implants and silly putty, or at least will be for a short while longer” (4 fast food ingredients).
Many so-called healthy fast food menu items, upon closer inspection, do not live up to the health hype. Most of the meat from any of the major chains has anything but a simple ingredients list. Also they add emulsifiers, preservatives, MSG, artificial colors, Trans fats, and hidden ingredients under generic labels such as spices, or natural and artificial. Some of these food additives are not foods at all, but are chemicals that are generally recognized as safe, you might not even find half of the ingredients in a grocery store but you would be able to find them in a hardware store. So if teens are reading this just know that there is stuff in fast-food that teens enjoy eating wouldn't think would be in there.

The author's comments:
i feel the need to just try to make everyone healthy'er.

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