The Vegan | Teen Ink

The Vegan

September 14, 2013
By caresmith SILVER, Ellicott City, Maryland
caresmith SILVER, Ellicott City, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear omnivores
You sit there at that lunch table with me
You look at my crunchy, colorful lunch
You snicker at my vegetables
I see your judgemental glances as you scan my bones
Does she have an eating disorder?
I have an eating awareness.
Anorexia is not something to joke about when you do not know what it truly means
You ask if I can eat “real” food
What is this “real” food that you claim to be eating
It is the food in your paper bag that is not “real”
I am sick of the judgment, the pathetic snickering, the impossible situations.
“If you were on a deserted island would you kill a pig?”
Besides the fact that this situation is almost entirely unheard of, let us reverse the situation
Would you, my carnivorous friend, kill a pig?
Do you have enough paleolithic instinct left inside your subconscious to kill an animal in cold blood?
I can bet you it is not nearly as simple as you imagine it to be in your caveman mind.
I am not asking for much
I wish to receive the same respect that I give to you
The way I eat should not be a constant target of your cruel, ignorant jokes.
I think before I put a fork in my mouth
And you should think before I put a fork in you.

Your friend,
The Vegan

The author's comments:
I switched to a plant based diet in January 2013 of this past year, and this piece comes directly from personal experiences.

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on Aug. 25 2015 at 7:38 pm
XxSmilesxX GOLD, Thomasville, Georgia
15 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Depression is like a war, you either win, or die trying.

this is explains EVERYTHING!!!!! incredible(: