Stand Up Comedian? or Savior? | Teen Ink

Stand Up Comedian? or Savior?

January 8, 2014
By O.O.G BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
O.O.G BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Yes, we all know that these scaly green “monsters” are the world’s dangerous
carnivores, but what they have deep within their hearts are the key to advanced human s-
urvival! two reasons being one, can help solve the massive nation, wide cures of disease-
es, Secondly can also help strengthen our immune system by a long shot.

To begin, our scaly ‘friends’ genes has a blood stream of ultra strong cells that
can defeat first signs of common cold at the origin. This ability to fend off sickness is out-
standingly useful. Try thinking of this on for size...It's more of like being able to have a super-
power against poison in some cases wouldn’t need a gas mask nor health shots with the po-
inty needles!

Secondly, if we unlock the secrets to how most crocs,gators, most lizards survive,it
can help cure most of humanity’s sickness. Scientists have found that these small scaley “Dr-
agons” have a healing factor that’s more dominant then humans. Their immune systems puts
scientists best research for a better cure to shame, For a better image try thinking something
of this, their bloodstream has attacker cells,and memory B-cells just as humans,but more ad-
vanced, these cells are able to defeat a virus at the source, that’s why Swamplands aren’t ev-
en an issue to them. This creature is one of the ultimate most, dangerous animals this world ha-
s ever seen! Finally to conclude, our long existing “friends” can help reshape our troublesome

The author's comments:
It all started when i was doing a bit of school research about the daily life of gators,and i found something pretty cool about them how they're able to survive any sickness, even during the plague!

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