Eating Disorders | Teen Ink

Eating Disorders

November 5, 2008
By girl,interrupted BRONZE, Smyrna, Delaware
girl,interrupted BRONZE, Smyrna, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Anorexia started in 6th grade. I thought my body was distorted, I thought my food was poison. I had no idea the simple action of restricting would continue on a road to destruction.
I've been to a psych ward, and an eating disorder unit. I've witnessed people who think like I do, look like I do, and do what I do. I slept with an IV, funneling water through my dehydrated body. I slept with a feeding tube shoved unwilling down my nose and throat, nurturing my feeble physique. I slept with my demons.
Anorexia has been branded into my mind, and will stay there forever. On top of the fight with Ana, I have added a new competitor. Bulimia. We don't get along as well as Ana and I, but Bulimia is comforting.
I'm fourteen years of age, but I feel like I've lived a lifetime. I still battle Ed, and so does my family. Each day we face the struggles Anorexia and Bulimia has given me. Each day is a fight to the end.
I want to grow up and be successful. I want to be a mother, I want my children to look up to a healthy and happy woman.
I would never wish an Eating Disorder on my worst enemy. It is the single most devastating experience I have gone through.


This article has 3 comments.

on Oct. 13 2011 at 8:09 pm
KennaLynn14 BRONZE, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
One day when the world stops turning, you will come face to face with your own arch enemy, yourself!

Your article is very inspiring! But the funny thing about your article is that it also relates to me! Im 13 years old, 1 year younger than yourself, and ive been dealing with anorexia for 1 year, and its been a hard one! Mine was triggered by a Health teacher who called me fat 2 times, and it really hurt me to the point where i also starved myself, never vomitted or had bulimic signs just starved myself! I lost 38 pounds in 5 months, and i started out weighing 135 pounds! Now i weigh 104 and im on my way to recovery! Thanks for sharing your article it really makes me look up to you!:-)

on Jul. 8 2011 at 6:08 pm
ohheyyyelli SILVER, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
5 articles 3 photos 178 comments
I have EDNOs, and I completely relate to this article. (I have a couple of writing pieces on here that I wrote about my ed also, feel free to read them). I suffer from a mix of anorexia & bulimia, which is why I was diagnosed ednos. It's the toughest thing. I hope you can recover, I know if you want to you can. Oh and "I slept with my demons." That sentence, is perfect. I hope the best for you♥

on Apr. 16 2009 at 9:03 pm
IRBFGW DIAMOND, Cincinnati, Ohio
53 articles 1 photo 223 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, assbutt!" Supernatural, Castiel.

I'm sorry about this. I can relate, a lot and I'm sorry you had to go through all this.