Don't Judge People | Teen Ink

Don't Judge People

February 16, 2015
By Anonymous

I have heard so many people say over and over again that people who commit suicide are just full of themselves. They have said that people who didn’t have the guts to actually kill themselves either don’t have guts or they are just full of themselves. I hope I’m not the first to say, people like that are the reasons why people like me went through or are going through attempted suicide or murdering themselves.

I can bet you that, you reader, have someone going through this or who has gone through this. You may or may not know it. Others who have come out with their stories are brave. I applaud you for being able to talk about it and write about it. I’m not saying that we are all 100% better, but I’m saying you’re taking the steps you need to live the life you deserve.

I don’t care what anyone says, you are worth it. I know that you have heard this from multiple people. I also know that I don’t know you. But I at least know what you’re going through. Want to know why. I have attempted suicide.
I was then bullied by too many people behind a screen that I couldn’t get the “job” done. I didn’t do what I had to do.  You can’t judge a person for going through what I have.

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