Chocolate Milk | Teen Ink

Chocolate Milk

February 16, 2015
By ead20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ead20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought, “WOW” this chocolate milk is actually good and wondered why? It tastes good because there’s a great deal of sugar in chocolate milk. Health experts think chocolate milk leads to youth obesity because of all the sugar, but you ought to remember that chocolate milk still has lots of good nutrients. Chocolate milk has  9 essential nutrients, helps boost recovery and youth drink chocolate milk more than white milk. I believe that even though the chocolate milk has a great deal of sugar, it gives you lots of benefits too.

One reason chocolate milk is good for you, is chocolate milk has the 9 essential nutrients. When youth drink chocolate milk they receive calcium, which helps build and maintain strong teeth and bones. They also receive protein, which helps repair muscle tissue and serves as a good source of energy. There’s also a bunch of other good nutrients in chocolate milk. Even though health experts say that chocolate milk leads to child obesity, it also helps them get the essential nutrients they need. Therefore, showing that chocolate milk is good for children. 

Another reason chocolate milk is good for you, is that youth drink chocolate milk more than white milk. When chocolate milk was taken out of schools the milk consumption dropped from 64% to 32%. Therefore showing that most youth drank chocolate milk, and when it was taken out those children who drank only chocolate milk didn’t drink any milk at all. When the milk was taken out of schools the children that didn’t drink milk lost the important nutrients that youth get from chocolate milk.

The last reason chocolate milk is good for you, is chocolate milk helps boost your post-active muscle recovery. Chocolate milk has casein which helps make your muscles recover sooner than just drinking regular water. “Chocolate milk provides carbohydrate replenishment to your muscles — something they can metabolize," said Jason Karp, another researcher in this study from Missouri. "There's nothing to metabolize in water."

The bottom line is chocolate milk has a great deal of benefits and is not just full of sugar, as some health experts may think. Chocolate milk has the 9 nutrients, can help boost your post-active muscle recovery and youth drink chocolate milk more, so to me it sounds like a good reason to let youth enjoy drinking chocolate milk.

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